Remove database table prefix

A database table prefix was originally used in the MediaCP software many years ago and has since been phased out of operation. Some installations may still be using a prefix which may cause problems in newer versions of the MediaCP. We highly recommend removing the prefix by using our script provided below.

You can also request that our skilled technicians complete this for you if preferred.

It is easy to do following these steps and a simple rename of tables should be quick:


  1. Enable phpmyadmin mediacp phpmyadmin enable
  2. Login and select the "mediacp" database
  3. Scroll down, press "Check All"
  4. Click on the "With selected:" dropdown and select Replace table prefix"
  5. Enter "cc_" in the first field, leaving the second empty then pressing "Continue" to apply the change
  6. Open /usr/local/mediacp/htdocs/database.php and replace the $db_prefix = 'cc_'; with $db_prefix = ''; and save the file
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