FAIL Liquidsoap version is UNKNOWN WARN Liquidsoap might not be installed correctly, recommend reinstall.

Liquidsoap has a large quantity of dependencies and can easily fail installation or upgrade if your system packages are out of date. We recommend updating system packages before any installation or upgrade to avoid these issues.

You may see these errors:

FAIL Liquidsoap version is UNKNOWN 
WARN Liquidsoap might not be installed correctly, recommend reinstall.

If you have recently upgraded or installed MediaCP without updating your system packages you will may run into this issue with Liquidsoap.

You can check if liquidsoap is installed and operating normally by running the following as root user via SSH:

/usr/local/mediacp/liquidsoap/bin/liquidsoap --version

Reinstall instructions

The best way to resolve these issues is to just completely reinstall Liquidsoap, you can follow these steps found here to do just that: Liquidsoap reinstall

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