OBS and other encoders will drop frames due to either network throughput/instability, or device...
FAIL Liquidsoap version is UNKNOWN WARN Liquidsoap might not be installed correctly, recommend reinstall.Liquidsoap has a large quantity of dependencies and can easily fail installation or upgrade if...
FAIL NginxRtmp - Liquidsoap ffmpeg video supportIf you have recently upgraded or installed MediaCP without updating your system packages you will...
Facebook Stream Targets DisconnectingIf your Facebook stream targets are disconnecting after 30 seconds or 10 minutes or somewhere...
How to use multiple domains with audio and video servicesIt is possible to operate audio and video services across multiple domain names with SSL support....
Liquidsoap reinstallLiquidsoap has a large quantity of dependencies and can easily fail installation or upgrade...
Offline Image resolution sizeVideo services have the option to set a custom offline image for the player using an image URL....
TV Channel Troubleshooting LogsShould you experience difficulty with an NginxRtmp based TV Station Channel then you can enable...
TV Channel does not start and shows disconnectedIf a TV Channel will not start and shows as disconnected then we recommend following the below...
TV Channel does not switch to live, disconnects between switching or playlist itemsThe current implementation of TV Station Channels with NginxRtmp is powered by Liquidsoap video...
Test Transcoding PerformanceTranscoding requires a great amount of processing power and even powerful CPUs will struggle to...
Troubleshooting Facebook Stream Targets (NGINX-RTMP)Troubleshooting steps for facebook stream target disconnect. Check abuse log to ensure no...
What is the m3u8 link to a specific transcoding quality?When transcoding is enabled on a video service, the different qualities are described in the...
Why does the data transfer bandwidth not match my service provider?Data transfer information for NginxRtmp services is currently guessed based on the bitrate of the...
Why is there a delay on Nginx-RTMP TV Station scheduled playlists?NGINX-RTMP and Flussonic preload the media files in the scheduled playlists, this preload time...