
 API Testing

MediaCP provides a comprehensive RESTful API that is accessible by Administrators, Resellers and...

 Cannot Connect to FTP

There are typically only two reasons why FTP is inaccessible: The FTP service is not running;...

 Cannot login to the MediaCP with valid credentials

If you are unable to login to the MediaCP then there could be several reasons: Captcha...

 Capture log files for troubleshooting

MediaCP log files for core application services are stored at /usr/local/mediacp/log/ and are...

 Change MediaCP Domain Name

It is possible to change the domain name of the MediaCP by following the procedures below. 1....

 Change MediaCP Panel Port

If you would like to use a different port than port 2020 on your Media Control Panel, you can set...

 Cloudflare Configuration

Cloudflare is a leading provider of reverse proxying and CDN services for the web. Their free...

 Differences between MB, GB and MiB, GiB

MediaCP uses a digital metric of units when referring to data size. In this case 1 (GB) Gigabyte...

 Enable API Access

API Key access can be incredibly powerful wether used with billing integration or sending direct...

 Enable/Disable AutoSSL using Admin Tools

If you would like to reinstall your AutoSSL Certificates you can do so using our Admin Tools...

 FTP login username and password is not working

Should you experience difficulty logging into FTP then you can regenerate all FTP account logins....

 FTP service is not running

If you find that the FTP service is not running you can follow these steps to...

 How to configure AutoSSL hooks to stop and restart processes using port 80 during renewal

  MediaCP provides compatibility with the following...

 How to suspend and unsuspend a service

If you need to suspend or unsuspend a user's media service, you can do so from within the...

 How to use multiple domains with audio and video services

It is possible to operate audio and video services across multiple domain names with SSL support....

 Installing MediaCP on CloudLinux

CloudLinux is not a supported operating system by the Media Control Panel software. While the...

 OpenVZ virtualization

During the installation or upgrade of MediaCP you might receive the following notice: ERROR:...

 Poor Disk Performance - Silence on tracks, Slow Installation, Panel Slowdown

If you are encountering silence on AutoDJ playback, slow installation or panel slowdown this can...

 Reinstall Core Components

In some cases you may want to reinstall core MediaCP components. You can do this by deleting the...

 Remove port 2020 from URL Port 80 / 443 Proxy

If you would like to be able to access your MediaCP without any port in your URL, you are able to...

 Restoration/Migration Failing 'tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now Restore FAILED.'

If you are trying to migrate or restore from a backup and see an error like the one shown below...

 Storage Limit Higher Than Configured

If you are configuring a service and find that after setting a specific storage limit that the...

 Test Transcoding Performance

Transcoding requires a great amount of processing power and even powerful CPUs will struggle to...

 There is not enough space on this disk to backup the MediaCP and contents

While performing a backup (either automatic or manual) you may encounter the error message below:...

 Unable to access MediaCP on port 2020

There are typically only two reasons why the Media Control Panel is inaccessible: The mediacp...

 Uninstall MediaCP

If you would like to uninstall MediaCP from your server you can do so by running the following...

 Upgrade MySQL database from 5.6 to 8.0

There is a significant performance advantage by upgrading the MySQL service running on the...

 Upgrade to Latest Release Tier

The Latest Release Tier provides early access to new features and is updated regularly, usually...